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Read this first!

Here’s what the website pages are about:

Course information

  • About your instructor: me and my teaching style
  • Do you have questions?: how and when to ask for help
  • Readings: how to understand the reading assignments on the schedule
  • Technology guidelines: technology rules for the course
  • Extension policy: policy for assignment deadline extensions
  • Policies: what I expect during class meetings
  • Conference guidelines: how to prepare for assigned, scheduled conferences with me
  • GenAI policy: using GenAI for assignments
  • Grading: grading elements and criteria


  • Formatting: requirements for formatting course assignments
  • Exercise guidelines: how to approach the exercises
  • the other pages: requirements for each assignment


  • Evolution: additional resources for understanding evolution and evolutionary psychology
  • Writing: additional resources for improving your writing skills

Please use the feedback forms on every page to let me know:

  • anything I can add to the website that you would find helpful
  • any typos or mistakes
  • any questions you have about what’s on the page so I can clarify it