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Do you have questions?

If you have a question, want additional feedback, or are having any issues, ask for help. I am easily accessible outside of class.

How can I contact you?

  • In person: I am on campus most days. I can often meet students briefly after class, but for longer conversations, contact me to arrange a meeting time.
  • By email: :Email me questions at any time (although please check this site first for answers to questions about course logistics). I will do my best to respond promptly.
  • By chat: send a message to our class MS Teams chat at any time
  • Avoid: don’t use Canvas message or office voicemail, as I don’t check them.

Should you ask publicly in a group or privately to the instructor?

You might wonder where you should ask your question: publicly (in class, Teams chat, or Canvas discussions), or privately (in person or by email).

In general, if your question pertains just to you, or you see an error I need to fix (like an incorrect due date), contact me privately. If the question or topic is something that would likely help others, use public forums.

  • Use public forums (in class, Teams, or Canvas discussions) for:
    • locating information that you can’t find on the course websites (after you used the search bar)
    • asking for clarification of course information I’ve already distributed
    • asking about topics from class discussion, such as asking how a statement in class might apply to a particular example
    • coordinating with classmates for notes, setting up meetings, etc.
    • sharing examples, media, or links relevant to the course that might be of general interest
    • making constructive comments about ways to improve the course
  • Use private communication (in person or email) for:
    • any concerns/complaints about classmates, course policies, or assignments
    • letting me know of a possible mistake or conflicting information on the website (best to tell me privately so I can check whether there really is a problem and figure out how to fix it before informing the class)
    • asking how something applies to your specific paper topic, unless I explicitly ask for questions about individual papers during class time (otherwise it’s not a good use of your classmates’ time)
    • asking for an exception to course expectations such as an extension, missing class, etc. (applies just to you, not a good use of class time)