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Conference guidelines

I’ll have at least three individual conferences with each student this semester. Conferences in this course are usually conducted via Zoom at this link: 🡕 or Meeting ID: 250 394 5161. If you have difficulties joining, email me to let me know what’s going on.

Please follow these guidelines to avoid distractions during the conference:

  • Find in a quiet, indoor space without wind noise or other people nearby
  • Keep your video on and check that your lighting is adequate
  • Please do not eat during the conference
  • Make every effort to be on time, but if you are going to be late, email me before the scheduled time to let me know when to expect you

To make sure you get full benefit from the conference:

  • Come to the conference prepared with specific questions; the conference is a time for you to use me as a resource, whether or not I have specific topics to discuss based on your draft
  • Be prepared to take notes during the conference (if you type faster than you write, split the screen between Zoom and your notes, or use 2 monitors)
  • Review the posted assignment instructions and and your submission before the conference
  • Right after the conference, complete the assigned exercise to email me a brief summary of the conference, including the main points I made and your planned next steps. Do this quickly so you don’t forget what we talked about.