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Exercises should be typed directly into the provided text box (unless otherwise indicated). Include the following information on all exercises (except Exercise 1):

  • at the top: the name I call you in class and your section (E1 or E2)
  • at the bottom: a word count and a GenAI no-use statement (if you didn’t use GenAI)

If you did use GenAI, include the link to your chat transcript at the end of the exercise as described here.

Please do not paste :links to documents in the text box.

avoid links


  • These guidelines apply to papers and all paper-related assignments.
  • Submit paper assignments as MS Word documents, not a pdf or other file format.
  • See an example properly formatted paper here 🡕.
  • The paper must be double-spaced, left-justified, with numbered pages and standard margins, in 12-point Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman font.
  • Leave page headers completely blank/empty. Leave page footers blank except for page numbers.
  • Don’t use borders, backgrounds, or anything decorative (necessary figures or tables are fine).
  • Insert a tab at the beginning of each new paragraph.
  • Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of drafts and final papers. Guidelines are on the Citations page.
  • Follow American Psychological Association (APA) formatting rules for capitalization (here) 🡕 and italics (here) 🡕. Hint: you have to actually click those links and read those pages if you want correct formatting; don’t rely on my draft feedback about incorrect formatting.
  • Put a word count at the end of the paper, before the reference list.
  • The :paper title should be centered, separated from the first line of the essay by one line/space, in the same font as the paper body, and not bolded or underlined
  • Don’t :skip an extra line between paragraphs.
  • Do not use a cover page. Instead, provide the following information at the top left-hand corner of the first page of all paper assignments (not in the header):
Your Name
Prof. Frome - NTW2029
Assignment Name (e.g. Paper 1 draft)
Assignment due date

:x temp

link to be added

:x extra line

The space between the last line of one paragraph and and the first line of the next should be the same as the space between lines within a paragraph. (Skipping lines between paragraphs can work well for online writing, but not academic essays).

To remove the extra spacing between paragraphs in Microsoft Word:

  • Go to the Home tab on the ribbon
  • Find the Paragraph section
  • Click the little “more” arrow in the lower right corner of the box
  • Check/fill the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” option
  • To make this option your default for new documents, click the box “Set as Default”, choose “Set as default for all new documents…”, and if you are prompted to save the Normal template, choose to do so

Checklist for Paper Formatting:

  • File format: Submitted as an MS Word document
  • Spacing: Double-spaced and left-justified
  • Font: 12-point Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman font
  • Margins: Standard
  • Page numbers: Numbered pages
  • Headers: Blank (no content)
  • Footers: Blank (except for page numbers)
  • Decorations: No borders, backgrounds, or decorative elements (except necessary figures or tables)
  • Paragraphs: Tab at the beginning of each new paragraph
  • APA formatting: Follow APA rules for capitalization and italics
  • Reference list: Include an APA-formatted reference list at the end of drafts and final papers
  • Word count: Provided at the end of the paper, before the reference list
  • Title: Centered, same font as body text, with no additional formatting
  • Header information: Name, course, paper draft/final, and assignment due date at the top left-hand corner of the first page (not in the header)
  • Paragraph spacing: No extra line between paragraphs
  • MS Word settings: “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” option checked (follow provided instructions to adjust settings)