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Exercise 10 - Workload report

Instructors are told that this course should require an average of 10 hours of work per week, and I want to make sure I am within that guideline. I need your help to make sure I’m meeting this goal.

For this assignment, keep a record of the amount of time you spend on this class and submit an updated workload report 🡕 weekly. I’ll move the assignment deadline back a week as each week passes.

Please download a blank workload report 🡕, save it, and :log your time :in hours. Include both :writing assignments and “preparation”, which includes everything else you do for the course outside of class.

:x estimate

It is fine if your data is not accurate; just make your best estimates.

:x hours

Report your time in hours, using numbers only (use “2” not “2 hrs”), rounding to the nearest half hour (0.5).

:x writing

For writing assignments, when you estimate time, include time spent reading Canvas, reading sources, getting feedback on assignments from people, etc.