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Exercise 1 - Introductions

I’ve introduced myself to you on the “Meet your instructor” page. Please introduce yourself to me and the class in a post on the “Discussions” page in the thread “Introductions 🡕” (NOT on this page). The discussion thread will be set so you can only read the other responses once you have posted yours. Write your response in a paragraph composed of grammatical sentences; do not answer in a list. No introduction or conclusion needed.

The goal of this assignment is to help me and your classmates get to know you in ways that will improve our class.

In your post, let us know:


  • your name (make sure to include your first name as registered with NUS so I can find you on Canvas)
  • what you prefer to be called in class (please don’t say “anything is fine”, let me know your preference)
  • country of upbringing if not Singapore and/or your experience living in other countries
  • your current academic focus/major (and specific interest within that major, if you have one)
  • the last writing course or project you completed before NUS (GP, IB Extended essay, course assignment, other) and what your last academic writing paper/project was about (if GP, let me know the questions you wrote on).

Evolution and Art

  • what types of art or media entertainment you are most interested in (and degree of interest if notable)—I am not a media snob, I like both horror movies and art films, so just be honest
  • any specific issues about art or evolution you are currently interested in (it’s fine if you don’t have any at this point)
  • your level of background knowledge/education about evolution (including whether your knowledge of the Earth’s age or the origin of humans comes in part from a religious perspective)
  • your level of background knowledge/education about art or media (including whether you create art)


  • your sense of how your academic writing skills compare to your peers
  • the degree to which you love/hate/are neutral towards writing and why
  • whether you want my feedback on your papers to be more tempered and supportive vs. more straightforward and critical
    • be honest and as detailed as you like—giving me this information will only benefit you

If there is any information relating to these topics that would be useful for me to know, but that you would rather not share with your classmates, please email me a supplement to your public post.

IMPORTANT: Just a reminder that you should not submit your introduction on this page. Instead, post it to the introductions thread on the Discussions page.